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第99期 第06版
  Combine my major with my personal interest to help others
Giraffe volunteer experience
  作者:AFL 5A/Yi Hsuan Tsou 五專外五甲/鄒依璇 | 點閱次數:1199 | 推薦朋友 | 環保列印
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More and more students tend to volunteer during summer vacation in order to highlight their college application. Helping people is indeed a meaningful thing, but since there is an abundance of volunteer choices, it€ important to choose one which fits.
I was a giraffe volunteer last summer. The theme of the giraffe camping was A Journey of Star Exploration. My main tasks were taking care of children ranging from the first to the sixth grade of primary school and teaching them daily spoken English and each constellation. In the beginning, I searched for a volunteer job with a thought of combining my major with my personal interest. Fortunately, with this simple but firm conviction, I successfully applied for the giraffe volunteer. Because I both major in Applied Foreign Languages and am fond of children, three days of activity was a pleasantly delightful time to me.
During those three days, I was like a farmer reaping a good harvest. I learned many great methods that can attract children€ attention immediately to English learning and help them learn English quickly and effectively. Also, getting along with them taught me how to deal with different personalities of children and meet each situation. Besides, seeing children€ innocence and team spirit would arouse my aspiration to help them more. In fact, I didn€ feel tired at all, and because I loved this volunteer job, three days were quite short to me. I just had a strong feeling that I devoted little but gained something beyond expression.
Though I spent a merry time there, most of my friends€� feelings and views were contrary to my own. First of all, they just wanted a volunteer certificate and did not like children and therefore they had supposed that they were going to experience drudgery and had already prepared to be tortured. My friends disliked children, so how could they get along with children? Children€ chatting and vigorousness were all regarded as a racket by them. After camping, they gathered together to find anything to complain of. Actually, they are a throng of friendly people, but I guess this kind of volunteer job did not fit their personalities well. 
Being a volunteer not only can be highly profitable when we are going to apply for college but also can be a way for us to experience different life. Moreover, it€ a method for us to experience future career in advance and it gives us a chance to tell whether we are suitable to this career field. In other words, being a volunteer is beneficial to our study and career.
Most importantly, volunteer experience can enrich our life. When we are helping people, we can deepen the value of our life because we may become more confident, mature or gain something rewarding. However, it is very important to choose a volunteer job because not every job is suitable to everyone. Find the most suitable volunteer job which you enjoy and feel comfortable with, and then you can continue to do it with great zeal.

● All members took a shot to record this wonderful moment.
● I taught kids how to make works of art as a souvenir of Giraffe camping.
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